Oswestry ORKA-1 score for Autologous Cell Implantation (ACI) of the knee

The ORKA-1 score can predict how long your ACI will last before you need a knee replacement. This app will calculate the score based on information you provide. We do not have access to this information. You may submit this information if you have been invited to do so.


Age in years


Duration of knee pain


Has a clinician advised you about the number and location of defects in your knee?

How many cartilage defects in the knee do you have

Check if you have a cartilage defect in the tibia and/or patella (kneecap)

How many previous surgeries have you undergone?


Which knee is causing you the most trouble?



I have no pain in my knee

I have intermittent pain in my knee during severe exertion

I have marked pain in my knee during severe exertion

I have marked pain in my knee after walking more than 2km

I have marked pain in my knee after walking less than 2km

My knee is in constant pain



My knee never gives way

My knee rarely gives way during athletics or other severe exertion

My knee frequently gives way during athletics or other severe exertion

My knee occasionally gives way during daily activities

My knee often gives way during daily activities

My knee gives way with every step I take



I experience no locking or catching sensation

I do experience a catching sensation but not a locking sensation

I occasionally have a locking sensation

I frequently have a locking sensation

I have a locked knee now



I have no limp

I have a slight limp or periodical limp

I have a severe and constant limp



I have no problems climbing stairs because of my knee

My stair-climbing is slightly impaired because of my knee

I climb stairs one foot at a time because of my knee

Stair-climbing is impossible because of my knee



I have no problems squatting

My squatting is slightly impaired because of my knee

I can't squat beyond 90°

Squatting is impossible because of my knee



I am not using any kind of support

I am using a stick or crutch

Weight-bearing is impossible for me due to my knee(s)



My knee does not swell

My knee swells on severe exertion

My knee swells on ordinary exertion

My knee is constantly swolen

Operation at RJAH

Are you are using this app to enter outcome scores after your Cell Therapy operation at RJAH?